Team Building Corporate Lunch offers Great food and Camaraderie in Melbourne

 More and more businesses are providing employees with Catering service in CBD Melbourne. Why? For many employees, simple and relatively inexpensive perks like a free lunch can bring a smile on your employees face. Delicious, healthy food catering makes a difference in how the staff feels about the company. And, if the firm’s culture fosters the virtue of being connected, lunch events will improve connectivity and increase employees bond with one another.


Socializing and creating friendships in the workplace is the best way to increase productivity and improve office morale. Business owners and managers come up with creative ideas for team building, like organizing a painting night or an outing for a sporting event. All this good, but you can’t ignore the easiest opportunity to spend time together. Eating, breaking bread together is a great way to garner and nurture friendship. Events such as staff lunches offer a fun, inexpensive way of team building that firms can utilize. 


Thinking of hosting a team lunch for your employees? Here are some healthy, working lunch ideas.

  • Boxed lunch sandwiches: These individually packed lunches in sustainable boxes are a great lunch option for your employees. The corporate brown bag lunch may include chocolate walnut brownies, whole fruit and multigrain sandwiches. Or if you are looking a healthy choice, include gourmet baguette, side salad along with the multigrain sandwiches for a more filling and refreshing treat.

  • Healthy salads for lunch: Nothing defines a corporate lunch better than a beautiful, hearty and protein-rich salad. It’s good for your employee’s mind, health, heart, spirit and productivity. Also, having a healthy meal won’t weight down your employees all afternoon like a greasy or heavy lunch might. Healthy salad options you can try include chicken salad, Greek salad and roasted potato salad.
  • Food platters that look and taste good: Whether you require a platter for six or a grazing table, treat your guests with a selection of lip-smacking meats and cheeses, artisan bread, dried and seasonal fruits and other appetizing antipasto items. Some of the food platters you can serve on your next corporate lunch include dips platter, vegetarian platter, Italian platter and Asian cold platter. 


Take time for a team lunch and get professional Individual Lunch Box Catering services in Melbourne to make your corporate lunch a success. Include healthy and tasty options in your working lunch like amazing food platters.
